About Us

Asbestos, a category 1 human carcinogen, is subject to a specific set of regulations, namely CAR 2012. These regulations cover work with asbestos, prohibitions on the importation, supply and use of asbestos, and licensing of asbestos removal activities.

Large amounts of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) were used for a wide range of construction purposes in new and refurbished buildings until 1999 when all use of asbestos was banned. This extensive use means that there are still many buildings in Great Britain which contain asbestos. Where asbestos materials are in good condition and unlikely to be disturbed, they do not present a risk.
However, where the materials are in poor condition or are disturbed or damaged, asbestos fibres are released into the air, which, if breathed in, can cause serious lung diseases, including cancers.

Furn Contracts Ltd work in highly demanding and regulated environments and are able to deliver a range of services including asbestos removal and management, decommissioning, decontamination, enabling works, scaffolding access, thermal insulation and land remediation.

We pride ourselves on the quality of service we provide, the speed at which we respond to enquiries and the no nonsense, straightforward approach we take with every job that we do.
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